Friday, March 27, 2009

off. musical scedule for the 2009 eco concierto !

2:15 Benediktron y Conny (Musica Alternativa)
3:00 Querreque y Froylan (Musica huasteca con violin)
3:45 Azul (Musica Tradicional Mexicana)
4:30 Los Frixoleros (Musica Tradicional Mexicana)
5:15 KATMANDU (Musica Indu Sitara)
6:00 Paco Barajas con Nacho y Cristina Varela, Steve York y Miguel Salazar
(Jazz latino)
6:45 Los Bambinos (Pop Original)
7:30 Dave Gouthro con Bobby Tansen y Steve York and the Traveling Band
(Rock y Pop)
8;15 Bobby Tansen (rock& roll)
9:00 Los Chuyz (Rock & Reggae)
9:45 The Traveling Band (Classic Rock)
10:15 Don & Rhonda con Chuy Y Marcos (R&B)
11:45 Joe King Carrasco y sus Mexicubanos (Tequila reggae)

2009/3/26 Nancy Gomez <>
adjunto programa
Buenas noches a todos...


En el marco del 2do. Eco - Concierto Vallarta Verde 2009, se llevará a cabo una gran recolección de electrodomésticos inservibles.

El Domingo 29 de Marzo, a partir del medio día se ubicará un contenedor en el cruce de el Libramiento y el río Cuale a donde podrás llevar:

Electrodomésticos en general etc.

Serán recolectados por una compañia recicladora de Guadalajara que se encargará de su disposición final.

Contribuye a reducir los desechos que son llevados al basurero


Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Festival Ecologico Vallarta Verde 2009

Marca en tu calendario la fecha; 29 de Marzo, el Segundo festival de la Ecologia en Puerto Vallarta, que se llevara a cabo en el Restaurante la Huerta de Paso Ancho de las 14:00 a las 24:00 horas.

El evento es una fiesta de musica, arte, informacion, cultura y diversion.

Participan mas de 50 artistas locales, todos haciendolo de manera voluntaria por un fin comun, que es el de rescatar la calidad de vida de nuestro bello Puerto Vallarta .

Habra exposiciones de los trabajos de cada uno de los diferentes grupos ecologicos, que trabajan en pro de el equilibrio ecologico, companias que tienen tecnologia verde, recicladores, centros de acopio y mucho mas…

Habra talleres de separacion de basura y sobre composta. Exhibicion fotografica y plastica.

Ademas de el talento musical de mas de 12 bandas, desde musica alternativa, tradicional Mexicana, jazz, blues, rock, reggae, etc.

Para los ninos tenemos payasos y magos, tendran tambien actividades de pintura , es un domingo ecologico para toda la familia.

Tenemos transportacion, ya que hay problemas de estacionamiento en Paso Ancho, el Canopy River y Cuale Paradise, generosamente han ofrecido transportar a los asistentes al evento desde el Puente de el Caloso, empezando a las 13:30, asi que ya sabes déjà tu carro en casa o estacionate cerca del Puente del Caloso y toma el tran[orte del evento o el camion ruta 04 te deja en la puerta de la fiesta.!!Recuerda que la entrada es LIBRE.

Restaurante La Huerta en Paso Ancho

Domingo 29 de Marzo

14:00 a 24:00 horas



vallarta verde team

Monday, March 16, 2009


Make a note on your calendar for Sunday, March 29 ,

to come to the Fiesta Ecologico at Restaurante La Huerta in Paso Ancho. There is no admission fee; the fiesta will begin at 2 p.m. and last till midnight. The event will feature more than a dozen well known local musical groups as it did last year to keep things jumping at the attractive outdoor location along the Cuale. The event is a fiesta of music, education, culture and art with the aim of identifying ecological problems and bringing them to the attention of city government along with recommendations for remedies.

Green Vallarta comprises a group of young, ardent ecology-minded activists who launched this initiative a year ago on April 6 on the Isla Cuale to foster "green" thinking among Vallartans. Its success attracted back last year’s musicians who created the memorable event along with a few more. Stilettos are not suggested for dancing, however!

Spearheading the group's efforts as she did last year is dynamo Greta Fuentes, who with help from friends and business associates has again put together a fabulous afternoon and evening of music enhanced by paintings, crafts exhibits and informational and sales booths featuring environmentally aware products and information. Of course there will be newly designed playeras (t-shirts)! A kids’ corral will allow children to play under supervision, paint or model with clay and try hard not to be scared by the clowns.

A goal of the undertaking is to get people talking to each other about problems particular to their neighborhoods and to band together to develop awareness and seek remedies to present to government. Green Vallarta as an umbrella group also presents the aims of the many existing environmentally focused groups in the area. We hope also to build public interest in saving the few green areas remaining to us and rehabilitating other places. Related efforts include helping those disseminating information on turtle egg preservation along with whale, bird and native animal (wild and domestic) wellbeing.

For many years proposals have been made to turn the the eastern end of the Isla Rio Cuale into yet another commercial corridor with more cement and lighting. Until today, the Isla has remained a micro-nature preserve containing iguanas, squirrels and an amazing assortment of birds and plants. Vigilance will ensure this is the way the isla remains. It is a cool, tree-shaded respite on a hot day; an outdoor classroom for kids during summer months and remains a small, verdant natural microcosm in the Cuale.

Efforts to address current problems go hand-in-hand with public education through the press, in schools and in city-wide presentations to encourage ecologically sound waste management along with water and other natural resource conservation. Development has moved so quickly in Vallarta that concrete bastions rise before our eyes without warning. Commercial development cannot be confused with progress. We must not forget that what put Vallarta on the map besides Night of the Iguana and the torrid Taylor-Burton affair was its serene Mexican beauty reflected in red tile roofs, glorious flowers and trees, friendly people and a leisurely demeanor. It is a city with proud roots where natives and long time resident expatriates who want to preserve what is left of the old Vallarta that they have loved for so long.

The regular La Huerta menu will be featured at the restaurant, but there will also be vendors selling drinks and lighter fare. It’s anticipated that there will be buses continually running from the end of the bridge in Las Canoes to Paso Ancho which is the end of Lazaro Cardenas from Insurgentes direction. Also, Ruta 04 buses go to the site. Parking could become a problem given the number of participants and visitors expected.

For more information or to offer assistance during the festivities, please contact Greta Fuentes at email or Barbara Sands at 222-6242 or

Donation & info e-mail :


Thursday, March 12, 2009

2nd anual "Vallarta Verde fiesta ecologica" 29 march /2009

Hola a todos;
Muchas gracias por sus respuetas!!!!
tenemos mucho gusto de anunciar que ya tenemos el Lineup para el concierto.
El programa va como sigue:
2:15 Connie (Trova)
3:00 Querreque y sus huastecos (Musica huasteca con viiolin)
3:45 Azul (Musica Mexicana)
4:30 Los Frixoleros (Musica latinoamericana)
5:15 Paco Barajas con Steve York, Nacho Varela, Cristina y Martin Montenegro (Jazz)
6:00 Katmandu (Sitara Musica Indu)
6:45 Los Bambinos (Pop Original)
7:30 Dave Gouthro con Bobby Tanssen y Steve York and Dave Balmer (Rock y Blues)
8:15 Bobby Tansen
9:45 Pv All Stars (Rock & Reggae)
10:15 The Traveling Band (Clasic Rock)
11:00 45 Joe King Carrasco.
Si alguien tiene alguna pregunta o problema con los horarios, porfa dejenmelos saber, para ver como lo solucionamos
El poster y material publicitario deben estar listos la proxima semana. Por supuesto se los haremos llegar en cuanto lo tengamos. Tambien estamos trabajando para tener espacio en la radio, la idea es ir a diferentes estaciones de radio a diferentes programas con algunos de los musico que participan en el evento (todos estan invitados) en cuanto tengamos ese calendario, les avisamos, asi como ruedas de prensa que estamos programando.
Tambien les informo que estamos trabajando con los diferentes grupos ecologistas y ambientalistas para tener un programa mucho mas completo que el ano pasado, en cuanto a informacion.
Es todo por el momento, estamos en contacto. Muchas gracias otra vez!!

send e-mail to :


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

1st anual "Vallarta Verde Fiesta Ecologico" » April 6 /2008

by Barbara Sands

Puerto Vallarta - Mark Sunday April 6 on your calendars to come by the Fiesta Ecologico to be held from 11 am till 8 pm at Cuiza, on Isla Rio Cuale. Vallarta Verde, a group of young and ardent ecology-minded activists has launched a new initiative to foster “green” thinking among Vallartenses.

Vallarta Verde
Spearheading the new group’s efforts are Greta Fuentes, Tatiana Meneses, Carole Oury and Mercedes Sanchez among others.

The event will feature theater, poetry and an all-day concert featuring Joe “King” Carrasco, Don & Rhonda, Paco Barajas, Azul, Lalo Quimixto, Teocalich, Philippo lo Grande, Oscar Fuentes, Jerôme, Baco, Martín, Los Goodies, Rasta Michol and other local artists who are dedicated to the preservation of Puerto Vallarta’s ecological wonders.


  • 11:00 Joe King Carrasco & the PV All Stars (Tequila Reggae) HIMNO A VALLARTA VERDE
  • 11:45 Jorge Luis Vivanco Limón : Comité de Vigilancia Ambiental (Procuraduría federal de protección al ambiente)
  • 12:00 Apertura: Ceremonia Indígena de la Mexicanidad Dr .Ayotl. Circulo Verde Esmeralda
  • 12:30 Javier Fabriz (Orador Los Árboles)
  • 13:00 Azul y Connie ( Guitarra y voz)
  • 13:30 Querreque y Froylan (Violín)
  • 14:00 Maestra Limón (Comité de educación de Profepa)
  • 14:10 BACO & Rasta Michol (Rock & Reggae)
  • 14:50 Nuestra Tierra Grupo Ecológico (Orador)
  • 14:55 Muhallebia & Middle Eastern Dance Group (Belly Dance)
  • 15:00 Don & Rhonda (Dueto Cithara)
  • 15:40 Bobby Tansen & Steve York with Memo
  • 16:20 Paco Barajas con Miguel Salazar & Celebrators
  • 17:00 Vallarta Verde (Presentación de el grupo, reconocimientos)
  • 17:10 Traveling Band (Rock Clásico)
  • 17:50 Oscar Aranda Co Fundador de la Asociación Ecológica de Occidente (Tema: Tortugas Marinas)
  • 18:05 Los Goodies (Rock)
  • 18:45 Javier Niño (Ecología y recuerdos de Puerto Vallarta)
  • 19:00 Max & Shawn ( R&B Acústico)
  • 19:20 Nacho y Cristina Varela (Música Cubana)
  • 19:45 Dr. Ayotl (Tema: El Florecimiento)
  • 19:00 Joe King Carrasco & Los PV All Stars ( Tequila Reggae) HIMNO A VALLARTA VERDE

AND -Martín Montenegro (Sax) - Teocallich (Pintura) - Philippo Lo Grande (Pintura) -

Jerome (Harmónica) - Y MUCHO MAS!!!

Vallarta Verde Meeting

The keynote theme of the day is information and ecological awareness. All it takes, sometimes, is a bit of chit-chat among friends and neighbors to uncover common concerns and to determine ways to address them.

Vallarta Verde aptly conveys the aims of the newly established group to build public interest in exploring all ways to preserve what very few green spaces we have remaining to us.

Major among these spaces is the eastern end of the Isla Rio Cuale whose development into yet another commercial corridor has been envisioned by the last two municipal administrations. The Isla is still a micro-nature preserve for iguanas, squirrels and an amazing numbers of birds.

But, more importantly, it’s a cool respite on a hot day; it’s a shady outdoor classroom for kids during the summer months and remains a small verdant microcosm in the Cuale. What an idea it would be to label those many varieties of trees; to have a plant and animal map. John Huston would find himself less lonely in his director’s chair.

The Isla effort will go hand-in-hand with public education through the press, in schools and in city-wide presentations to encourage ecologically sound waste management along with water and other natural resource conservation.

Development has moved so quickly in Vallarta that concrete bastions rise before our eyes without warning. Development certainly cannot be confused with progress and isn’t always the best answer for the municipality.

We can’t forget what put Vallarta on the map besides the torrid Taylor-Burton affair. It is its very Mexican-ness, its leisurely demeanor, its tile roofs and feeling of a city with proud roots, and those it has in abundance.

All those who have grown weary championing the preservation of our beautiful city’s native charms can only applaud these new faces picking up the challenge and bringing in new troops to carry on the battle to preserve our beautiful surroundings, our trees and the city’s heritage.

From the southbound bridge, Cuiza is located down the stairs and toward the ocean. From the Malecon, access is down the stairs and straight ahead to Cuiza on the right before Oscar’s and River Café.

For more information or to offer assistance, contact Greta Fuentes: zuckyinc (at); Mercedes Sanchez:; Carole Oury: carolepvr (at); Tatiana Meyeses: llomera (at) or Barbara Sands: barbsands007 (at) Musicians or singers (dancers?) DJs or MCs who want to be part of the action can contact Joe King at joeking (at) Please! drummers need not apply.